. -- loredo, texas. when you come to loredo with me, you'll ste tractor-trailers -- you'll see tractor-trailers stacked up trying to get across the bridge engaged in trade that helps support american jobs and helps our economy. so it's important that we move goods and people more efficiently and safely and legally and grow our trading relationships with partners like mexico. the fact of the matter is six million american jobs depend on national trade with mexico, things we send there and things they send here. of course, because of location, a lot of the jobs that used to go to china because they could produce things in a manufacturing process that were cheaper because of lower wages and the like, because of the benefits of the proximity of mexico, many of the micheela doras and other manufacturing in mexico are integral. our relationship with mexico as complicated as it can sometimes be goes well beyond impressive trade statistics. mexico is a key partner for the united states as we work to keep our cou