." >> did you ever wear anything like -- >> she plays gold digger lorelai lee. >> may i just hold itce of lorelai is a really important milestone. >> how do you put it around your neck. >> you don't, lovie. it goes on your head. >> it was crucial in the evolution of marilyn's career and her star persona because lorelai is the dumb blonde who's not as dumb as you think she is. >> say, they told me you were stupid. you don't sound stupid to me. >> i can be smart when it's important. but most men don't like it. >> that line was marilyn's line. she insisted on using it. >> she's like, here's what this stereotypical dumb blonde is really able to do and doing. and so she's riffing on it. >> i'm too old for this sort of thing. >> you are able to not only be in on the joke of it, but to control it. that, to me, is the mark of a genius. ♪ a kiss on the hand maybe quite continental ♪ ♪ but diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪ >> "diamonds are a girl's best friend" is lorelai's defense against the accusation of gold digging. it is simply laying out sexual economics. ♪ diamonds ♪ >> if men can lo