. >> it turns out eleanor exchange 3000 letters and most of them lorena hickok gave to hyde park 1968 stipulated the letters could be open 10 years after her death. by chance, the one who first saw the letters had written a lot of children's books about presidents and president's wives and she was horrified. she even tried to get the library to lock the letters up again but when they wouldn't she decided to write a book about the relationship playing down the passionate part of the story. when the book came out, legends mama rag n called big÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ said during those letters, it was a crime again to turning poems to medieval christian theologians. so i realized right away that this was an opportunity to revisit a story in changed times and here is where writing about what you can connect to came into it so all my books with one exception, the book about research, have been about stron÷ women.ble÷÷ the psychoanalyst who examined freud's ideas about sexuality, mary curie and even a theater book focused on one strong woman who was head of the federal theater project named halley flanag