like lorenzo's not that far. it's only a twenty-minute flight, but still. very remote. (troyd bowles) there's a whale over here. two of them. (sophie fouron) oh! o.k. (troyd bowles) three of them. four of them. (sophie fouron) oh! wow! - there we go. - how long have you been doing this for? - so i've been doing this just over 20 years. - my god. and you're from here? - yeah. i am from the falklands. - how many flights a day do you usually do? - with figas, generally at this time of year, we'll do anything from four to eight in a day. - the people living in these remote places, they have to be self-sufficient. - yeah, absolutely, especially in the islands. they really have to plan ahead. certainly, most of the other islands get one visit from a supply ship every six weeks, and often less than that. this is douglas coming out now, which is lorenzo farm. there we go. we're there. (john fowler) when i came here, stanley was where retired people and the government people lived. the work of the island