that's strike number two against loretta king in the justice department. she had a third, a rule 11 being applied for filing a specious case that was unfounded and it cost the federal government $750,000 because she brought a case that couldn't be supported that was false and specious and unfounded and there's better language for that to be found under the rule 11 language that's there. all of this, the justice department can't investigate and continue with the most open-and-shut voter discrimination case they can selled the will of the people of kinston, north carolina, based on the decision of loretta king who brought a false and specious case that cost the american people $570,000, all the while they have the resources to investigate arizona with no rational reason why, no constitutional thing they can point to, they can't even investigate acorn. with that, mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. under the speaker's announced policy of january 6, 2009, the chair recognizes the gentlema