. >> lori ann delchrist. >> good afternoon, my name is lori ann delchrist and i'm here speaking on behalf of desoto cab, luxor cab and the yellow cab cooperative. thank you for the opportunity to speak today. my clients understand that mta needs data to do its job and are willing to work to provide the data using the existing systems already required by your regulations. however, there's no justification for moving forward from a modest software contract to a $6 million contract for inintrusive on board hardware. there are a lot of red flags here. the fact there's been no real effort to use existing systems is very troubling. the new contract goes to fti without reopening the process, even though the amount is much bigger, it moving into hardware and fti did not produce its deliverables. existing technology and applications make much of it redundant and duplicative. there's an obvious bias in here in favor of the intrusive and costly fti on board devices. given the past action there's no reason to believe fti will work with the industry to use existing data sources going forward and this