one of the things i write about in newsroom confidential is coverage by the new york times of lori clinton. so you know, i thought it was, i got there in 20 12 which was long before she declared for president and i thought it was very weird that in 2013, all reporter was assigned to cover hillary full-time. why? she wasn't a candidate and it sort of acted as a way of, i mean, i think it was a bad idea because it puts so much emphasis on her. it was a way to say we already know she's going to be a candidate and we already know she's going to be the president. then there was this kind of coverage that scrutinized her and made i think much bigger deal than it should have been made of the supposed scandal over her email. so the chapter is called but your email. but at the same time what was the level of scrutiny brought to trial and to particularly the connections between the trump campaign and russia. i mean, that was a big topic. >> one of the ways in which i've tried to think about the email story as on the one hand it's like zombie content. it keeps coming back and back again in the news t