now we come to lori goodman, our champion.ue a few moments ago about yosemite, and that's one of your favorite places to hike, i understand. it is. i love yosemite. i travel there with my family, who are here today. - all of you as a group? well, when the kids were little, we would force them to hike up to the top of nevada falls, and my younger son, noah, when he was about 5, made it, but he fell and scraped his knee and i told him he was a trouper. but he thought i said he was a tripper, and he felt really bad about it. [ laughter ] do you realize one of the things you just said, which could be misconstrued? you said, "we would force them to climb all the way to the top." [ laughter ] that's cruel and unusual punishment. we'll talk about that after the program. but for now, kyle gets to pick again. similar words, $200. monica. what is a palate? - yes. - mob rule, $200. kyle. - who is capone? - right. mob rule, $400. monica. docile don? what is a docile don? yes. mob rules, $600. kyle. - what are families? - yeah. mob rule, $