so my friend and i, lori gordon, we sued hastings, which included judge hastings, one of the great lawyers and judges at that time and oh, they were mad and oh, did they fight us, all the way up to the california supreme court. and we won. and became the first woman law student. now i hung up my shingles. throngs of clients did not come to my door and those who did had little or no money. i began to defend them and they didn't care that i was a woman. they just wanted someone who would fight for them and would win, which i did a lot of. but then there is also -- there were a few of those judges and prosecutors that were a different story when it came to being around women. i remember this one prosecutor in san francisco. >> she's a woman! she cannot be expected to reason. god almighty has decreed her limitations. but you can reason. and you must use your factor you mights of reason -- faculties of reason to find against this young woman. >> oh, my! i am that formidable, terrifying object known as women. while he is only a poor, helpless, defenseless man. and he wants you to take pity on hi