as demonstrated by the legendary german comedian lorieau in this sketch from three decades ago. his coughing symphony to mark the berlin philharmonic sin tenor elevates disruptions to the status of auditory pleasure. i've heard so much conflict in my lifetime it's a part of the experience of music let's hear it for tolerance. right now in the cold sees a man of people who really catch a cold and have to cough so it's better to stay warm and home and use the time for creative projects he has some inspiration from audio expert. hi my name is with this my case from the bank you have always got your eyes on the prize that would certainly make it safe money for your next day our show you how to make a very picky bank yourself. first you need pictures of your dream destination that will fit the framed. picture frame and a sheet of plexiglass about the same size. a cordless screwdriver and a forced new drill bit. a jig saw. a utility knife scissors and glue. plexiglas on your print and use the cutter to trim the printer. use scissors to trim your other photos. lay the print face down a