from ohio, lorraine the democrat's line. >> caller: kapbglations to the president, god gave him a success against his haters and upheld his plan and victory to the poor and middle class. now that i just heard mitch mcconnell on there, from day one, mitch mcconnell acted out in disgust against obama. he still can't say a kind word about him. >> kojo in alexandria. >> caller: thank you for taking my call. congratulations to the affordable care act, and second, i have a problem because it says that we are going to have a subsidy, and i am talking about my own experience as of last year i was not working and my wife was working, me and my son, the three of us were paying $165 a month, and yesterday we found out, they said and i asked why the increase to $250 and the gentleman who we spoke to said your increase because i am working now and so we don't qualify for any subsidies, so we are going to pay $500 in one month, and so why would they have it jump from $165 to $500 and something in a month? >> we will hear from mallory from texas on the republican line. >> caller: i am calling primarily