which really started started the building of nuclear bombs and that's because it was through los alamos laboratories in new mexico with direct partnership with the university of california that they develop nuclear weapons so this is actually nothing new now the only difference is is that now much of the universities are keeping this as classified information from students and faculty members so the students and faculty members aren't actually aware that these university are getting such a big grand such a big support from the u.s. government in terms of to get any kind of research or development to work with this industry but surprising and interesting enough a new report came out by the n.r.c. a couple of months ago the nuclear regulatory commission and about 30 percent of their workforce is going to be retiring now these are society we're talking about scientists here so who's going to be taking their place it's going to be exact programs and grants that they're providing to these universities in these exact industry that they're hoping they will play and was dangerous too is that you know when y