. >> off this bridge right under the hollywood sign in los angeles called lake hollywood reservoir. johnny knoxville is there to provide some advice. >> how high is -- what's the highest? >> i measured it at 58 feet. >> they went in with some high-tech measuring devices to get the exact height. >> they're all so low. how deep is the water? >> they figured that out too. >> 60 feet high about and how deep is it? >> we snuck in and checked it. >> oh they snuck in at night and checked it. >> does that mean they had a snorkel and dove down to see if they can find the bottom. >> i wish you luck. luck is your friend. >> i'm so afraid this is going to be the end of stevo. >> he survived so much else. >> the mission is jumping into water. >> that is true. he's walking on -- looking quite smashing. gets up to his jumping position and here he goes. he jumps. there are multiple angles. does he provide the jump? >> man, that was like a hard hit. >> it's a monster actually. >> he's alive! >> he's stevo after all. no little jump is going to take him out. >> may be immort tall this guy. >> a brain