Jul 26, 2012
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custodia de los hijos de michael jackson. comenzamos. ♪ >>> este es su "noticiero univisiÓn" edicion nocturna. ♪ >>> buenas noches. y poco a poco arman el rompecabezas legal contra james holmes, entre la evidencia hay un cuaderno que da detalles de la masacre del viernes. >> james holmes enviÓ por correo un cuaderno con dibujos de cÓmo iba a cometer la masacre dentro del teatro. >>> es parte de un brote cotico y tenÍa planificaciÓn de cubrir ciertas cosas. >>> inicialmente recibieron un envoltorio el lunes. pero no habÍa sido enviado por el autor. la policÍa y el fbi llegar para inspeccionar el paquete. sin embargo, esto provocÓ que revisaran el lugar donde se recibe la correspondencÍa de la universidad, y descubrieron un segundo paquete, el que james holmes habÍa enviado al siquiatra. >>> que el paquete estuviera enviado a un siquiatra, estaba consciente de lo que estaba haciendo. >>> despuÉs de obtener una orden judicial el fbi abrieron dicho bulto y se encontraron con el cuaderno de holmes, y no quedÓ en claro cuantos dÍas
custodia de los hijos de michael jackson. comenzamos. ♪ >>> este es su "noticiero univisiÓn" edicion nocturna. ♪ >>> buenas noches. y poco a poco arman el rompecabezas legal contra james holmes, entre la evidencia hay un cuaderno que da detalles de la masacre del viernes. >> james holmes enviÓ por correo un cuaderno con dibujos de cÓmo iba a cometer la masacre dentro del teatro. >>> es parte de un brote cotico y tenÍa planificaciÓn de cubrir...
Jul 25, 2012
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, quedaran al cuidado de un primo hasta el momento. >>> la disputa de los jackson. >>> sigue dando de a las economÍas enticierivisiomÉrica n ataque a un entrenador deivision notiballeno univuen ision sirve ciero na demision , volvunivis.s s v n ha iniciado una campaña para promover la competencia en latinoaméricaciero ision univis@ v nnotio univn seision@@ciero is similar a la alianza por el progreso del presidente kennedy, pero con un incentivo diferenteunivision@@noticiero ui i >>> @@ientras que latinoamérica busca un sitio en la globalización económica. >>> las imágenes del ataque de una ballena contra su entrenador en california, salieron hoy a@@ judicial, wilma tarazona con el video. con o univun ision@@caciero isi agua, elunivision@@noticiero un sobre el animal, pero esta continúa sacudiéndolo de un lado para otro, enision univis@@noti, petersivisio@@ sacticierivisiou superfn ,ision pero eln@@notici un entrenador de ballenas. @@> peters tiene muchísima suerte de estar vivo. >>> después la ballena libera la pierna del entrenador, y este nada a su ivisiola, después dos de sus comp
, quedaran al cuidado de un primo hasta el momento. >>> la disputa de los jackson. >>> sigue dando de a las economÍas enticierivisiomÉrica n ataque a un entrenador deivision notiballeno univuen ision sirve ciero na demision , volvunivis.s s v n ha iniciado una campaña para promover la competencia en latinoaméricaciero ision univis@ v nnotio univn seision@@ciero is similar a la alianza por el progreso del presidente kennedy, pero con un incentivo...
Jul 26, 2012
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, quedaran al cuidado de un primo hasta el momento. >>> la disputa de los jackson. >>> sigue dando dede ballenas que @ despertar,obtener la residencia en estados unidos ya es difícil, pero para quien tiene ciertos tatuajes, ahora lo es aún más.también, cómo lidiar con el reto >> con la ballena, libera la pierna de su entrenador, en su huida se resbala y 2 compañeros lo jalan, el video se dio a conocer porque se convirtió en evidencia clave, después del fatal accidente en el 2010, donde una entrenadora de 40 años de edad fue muerta por una ballena, la administración de salud alega que el parque temático puso en riesgo la vida de los entrenadores. >> el video revela que el entrenador mostró habilidades excepcionales, después de lo ocurrido regreso a su trabajo y continúa haciendolo . >> es increíble que estos animales no están a gusto. >> son animales que no están en su ambiente libre y los forzamos a estar encerrados. >> llegamos al final de las noticias, gracias, nos vemos mañana . (teléfono sonando). >> bueno. >> bueno, bueno, licenciado, habla paz, la mamá de luciana. >> doña paz ¿e
, quedaran al cuidado de un primo hasta el momento. >>> la disputa de los jackson. >>> sigue dando dede ballenas que @ despertar,obtener la residencia en estados unidos ya es difícil, pero para quien tiene ciertos tatuajes, ahora lo es aún más.también, cómo lidiar con el reto >> con la ballena, libera la pierna de su entrenador, en su huida se resbala y 2 compañeros lo jalan, el video se dio a conocer porque se convirtió en evidencia clave, después del fatal...
Jul 26, 2012
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los obstaculos y este atleta es hoy un ejemplo de superacion!! #cion n@ t o v n n o s ♪ >>> vuelve la controversia a la familia jackson. ez otorgotisi tito jackson la custodia temporal. ocurre a raÍz que la abuela encargada de velar se ausentÓ el pasado 15 de julio y desde entonces no tiene contacto, fue reportada desaparecida, pero se ni-edicion no rptunivisionnoti-s di@@ue enoti udicionrptunivisioi . tambiÉn dijo que karerin on no i regresarÍa para-edicisentar la informaciÓn necesaria para recuperar la custodia. y quedÓ grabado luego quenoni-en rpt leivisio@@ti uni@@ti uniciÓt s @@rnoti udicionrptivisio vario@n desapariciÓn de suno@@ univiso . >>> la decisiÓn del juez tambiÉn ocurre en medio de querella familiar por finaunivision@@not legales, cuando el rey del pop dejÓ como @@noti uherede@@ e maon no rptunivision@@noti uni- del on no ndoun ionnoni-edifidu se aclare la situaciÓn de los menores.n >>> gracias por laision informÓ. y hillary clinton hablÓ de una alianza conocida como idea. y clinton hizo unnoti u anuncio oficial en washington. >>> el retrato de simÓn bolÍvar presentado por el@@noti uni-edin Á la forma en
los obstaculos y este atleta es hoy un ejemplo de superacion!! #cion n@ t o v n n o s ♪ >>> vuelve la controversia a la familia jackson. ez otorgotisi tito jackson la custodia temporal. ocurre a raÍz que la abuela encargada de velar se ausentÓ el pasado 15 de julio y desde entonces no tiene contacto, fue reportada desaparecida, pero se ni-edicion no rptunivisionnoti-s di@@ue enoti udicionrptunivisioi . tambiÉn dijo que karerin on no i regresarÍa para-edicisentar la informaciÓn...
Jul 26, 2012
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univunannot ediciounionnoi-ediÍo n n s @ o o n n n - n ♪ >>> vuelve la controversia a la familia jackson. los nuevo drama, un juez otorgÓ@@ a tito jackson la custodia temporal. ocurre a raÍz que la abuela encargada de velar se ausentÓ el pasado 15 de julio y desde entonces no tiene contacto, fue reportada desaparecida, pero se ion nobalneaunivision@@not uni-o v regresarÍa para present@@ la informaciÓn necesaria para recuperar la custodia. y quedÓ grabado luego quet uni-n ion lenoi-edicnoisionunivis@@nÓd n nonerivisio@@t uni-ion no varo desapariciÓn de su@@not uni-edi. >>> la decisiÓn del juez tambiÉn ocurre en medio de querella familiar por finanzas y asunion legales, cuando el rey del pop dejÓ como icion univhereder madre y sus icion hijos, y el n del t uni-fondoion no univis@@n se aclare la situaciÓn de los menores.ivisio>>> @@not uni-edÓ. y hillarynot uni-edicion nounivn oficial en washington. >>> el retrato de simÓn bolÍvar presentado por el@@not uni-edico Á la forma en que muchos lo recordarÍan,not uni-edicion nou >>> t uni-ion nounivis@@not uni pedro montoyaion noun ivision@@Óo isioÍvar
univunannot ediciounionnoi-ediÍo n n s @ o o n n n - n ♪ >>> vuelve la controversia a la familia jackson. los nuevo drama, un juez otorgÓ@@ a tito jackson la custodia temporal. ocurre a raÍz que la abuela encargada de velar se ausentÓ el pasado 15 de julio y desde entonces no tiene contacto, fue reportada desaparecida, pero se ion nobalneaunivision@@not uni-o v regresarÍa para present@@ la informaciÓn necesaria para recuperar la custodia. y quedÓ grabado luego quet uni-n ion...
Jul 27, 2012
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uno llama la atenciÓn, mucha gente siente confusiÓn, no estÁ clara en lo que pasa en la familia jacksonn la nueva batalla, el cÁncer, recordemos es una enfermedad bien tramposa, le jugÓ pasadas difÍciles, vas a vencer. >>> dense cuenta una cosa, estÁ manejando literalmente, agarrando el toro por los cuernos, habla, le da mensajes a los medios de comunicaciÓn, para que sepan quÉ ocurre, en medio de esto, hable con gente cercana a la familia figueroa, quierene manejar la otra ala de la historia con hermetismo, la situaciÓn es grave, quiere tranquilizar al pÚblico, nos invita a orareo por Él. >>> su hijo contaba una historia un tanto triste, de verdad que da muestra de la gana de vivir que tenÍa, cuando se le presenÓo el cÁncer la primera vez no querÍa tratamiento tradicional, preferÍa la medicina alternativa, estuvo asÍ con un aÑo. >>> fueron con el veneno de alacran, luego entrÓ en coma, en los Ángeles pasÓ todo septiembre 11 del 2001 despierta del coma el 12 de septiembre del 2001 le cuentan lo que pasÓ, y decide seguir un tratamiento que lo salva en ese momento. porque estaba muy mal,
uno llama la atenciÓn, mucha gente siente confusiÓn, no estÁ clara en lo que pasa en la familia jacksonn la nueva batalla, el cÁncer, recordemos es una enfermedad bien tramposa, le jugÓ pasadas difÍciles, vas a vencer. >>> dense cuenta una cosa, estÁ manejando literalmente, agarrando el toro por los cuernos, habla, le da mensajes a los medios de comunicaciÓn, para que sepan quÉ ocurre, en medio de esto, hable con gente cercana a la familia figueroa, quierene manejar la otra...
Jul 24, 2012
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los nuevos cargos que tiene que pagar cuando toma un avion y que las lineas aereas crearon durante la recesion como pagar tarifas por su equipaje o por un simpple sandwich, pues parece que estos "cargos >> jackson comparadas con años anteriores. el café me genera centro comercial con su familia y de pronto encontrarse con un oso? pues eso es lo que sucedió cuando el mar entró como juan por su casa por las bolsas automáticas. detalle de mente se desató el caos y la gente se ve despavorida, especializa tolerante intervenir para regresar de poder capturar, tenían después de de rastreo pero hasta ahora se desconoce de dónde escapó. qué te parece walker aprecia sumamente entre un 60 y esperando que lo dejen entrar, está esperando. (risas). . yo sólo una fiesta, prevenir una vez más, gracias buenas noches. >>> hoy es lunes 23 de julio. >>> el joven holmes comparece ante la justicia. >>> sueÑo de 14 in inmigrantes que murieron al estrellarse coÍi necesita en texas. el promotor de la sb 1070. >>> millonaria multa contra la universidad de penn state por el caso de abusos a menores, comenzamos.
los nuevos cargos que tiene que pagar cuando toma un avion y que las lineas aereas crearon durante la recesion como pagar tarifas por su equipaje o por un simpple sandwich, pues parece que estos "cargos >> jackson comparadas con años anteriores. el café me genera centro comercial con su familia y de pronto encontrarse con un oso? pues eso es lo que sucedió cuando el mar entró como juan por su casa por las bolsas automáticas. detalle de mente se desató el caos y la gente se ve...
Jul 26, 2012
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katherine jackson, the mother of the late singer michael jackson speaks out after returning to los angeles. a judge made her grandson, t.j. jackson, a temporary guardian of children.three >> there are rumors going about me. i am here to let everybody know i am fine. >> you can watch more of the interview after we are finished at 11:35. first, a sex abuse scandal surrounds a prestigious coach tonight. the web of lies spanning decades. high hopes of the thekins fans arrest on shoulders of robert griffin iii. i will tell you what he said today when we return. >> fans are getting excited on training camp at all surrounds a man they back towill lead them the super bowl. begins in a few short hours proper -- robert griffin was about the expectations on him. >> this is the first time rgiii publicly since he signed his contract. is very smart and talented control of hisn persona. robert griffin graduated high school in three years and college in less than hise years and almost as master's degree. was the second pick over all. with all of his success you have be impressed with his humility. methe t
katherine jackson, the mother of the late singer michael jackson speaks out after returning to los angeles. a judge made her grandson, t.j. jackson, a temporary guardian of children.three >> there are rumors going about me. i am here to let everybody know i am fine. >> you can watch more of the interview after we are finished at 11:35. first, a sex abuse scandal surrounds a prestigious coach tonight. the web of lies spanning decades. high hopes of the thekins fans arrest on...
Jul 23, 2012
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y fue su nieta parÍs jackson quien publicÓ en su cuenta de twitter lo siguiente, dicen lo que colocÓ y la quiero en casa con ella, ahora la hija de michael jackson colocÓ hasta un nÚmero de telÉfono donde podrÍan comunicarse con la familia por si la ven despuÉs, y jermaine jackson dijo que mi madre estÁ bien pero estÁ descansando en arizona por orden del mÉdico. no nuestra quÉ confuso todo esto. >>> increÍble pero mira los nietos de catherine denunciaron se desapariciÓn pero la policÍa dijo que la seÑora estaba con unos parientess anot antes del escÁndalo los hermanos del rey del pop les decÍan que los alba cedas de jackson manipulan a la seÑora catherine cuya salud se ha visto afectada porque se ha sufrido un ataque cerebral hace muy poco, es difÍcil en este momento cuando esta seÑora se hace cargo de estas 3 criaturas, pues ella es una seÑora mayor no estamos hablando de una persona que tiene toda la energÍa del mundo para poder criar a 3 clyriatura que estÁn empezando no son cualquier los hijos de pepito son los hijos de michael jackson lo cual tiene a toda la prensa detrÁs, ella t
y fue su nieta parÍs jackson quien publicÓ en su cuenta de twitter lo siguiente, dicen lo que colocÓ y la quiero en casa con ella, ahora la hija de michael jackson colocÓ hasta un nÚmero de telÉfono donde podrÍan comunicarse con la familia por si la ven despuÉs, y jermaine jackson dijo que mi madre estÁ bien pero estÁ descansando en arizona por orden del mÉdico. no nuestra quÉ confuso todo esto. >>> increÍble pero mira los nietos de catherine denunciaron se desapariciÓn...
Jul 26, 2012
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michael jackson's mother, siblings and child are redefining the term. it all appears to be over money. in court yesterday, a losngeles judge appointed michael jackson's nephew, t.j., the son of tito as temporary guardian of michael's three children because their official guardian, michael's 82-year-old mother has been gone for days. apparently at an arizona spa. her mysterious trip was arranged by four of michael's siblings, including janet. but the key to the puzzle may be the children who stand to inherit much of michael's huge estate. drama. >>> cbs "moneywatch" time on a thursday. a big day for facebook and newsweek magazine could be turning the page on print. ashley morrison here in new york with that and more. ash, good morning. >> good morning, terrell. stocks rebounded on signs europe will boost its bailout fund. tokyo's nikkei added 1% and the hang seng gained a fraction. >>> today we'll get the first ever earnings report from facebook. it is a chance for the company to show investors it can continue to grow through advertising revenue before going public. facebook admitted its mobile users are growing
michael jackson's mother, siblings and child are redefining the term. it all appears to be over money. in court yesterday, a losngeles judge appointed michael jackson's nephew, t.j., the son of tito as temporary guardian of michael's three children because their official guardian, michael's 82-year-old mother has been gone for days. apparently at an arizona spa. her mysterious trip was arranged by four of michael's siblings, including janet. but the key to the puzzle may be the children who...
Jul 26, 2012
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michael jackson's will names katherine as the guardian of his children, but today in a los angeles courtroom, temporary custody of prince, paris and blanket was handed over to their cousin, tito's son, 34-year-old t.j. jackson. >> i'm devastated that while i've been away, that my children, my grandchildren have been taken awake from me. >> reporter: in court, the judge said he was granting t.j. temporary custody because katherine is, quote, being prevented from acting as guardian by acts of a third party. katherine's own lawyer on custody matters suggested she was being held against her will. >> this, right here -- >> reporter: t.j.'s lawyer said the two older kids signed a consent form. a number of michael jackson's siblings are still contesting his will, alleging conspiracy and fraud. charges denied by the executors and thrown out by the courts. two years ago. >> the ruling in court today was about the guardianship and i think it was based on a bunch of lies. but i have a good idea who is doing that. who is behind it. my guardianship has been taken away from me and, but i have spoke to my
michael jackson's will names katherine as the guardian of his children, but today in a los angeles courtroom, temporary custody of prince, paris and blanket was handed over to their cousin, tito's son, 34-year-old t.j. jackson. >> i'm devastated that while i've been away, that my children, my grandchildren have been taken awake from me. >> reporter: in court, the judge said he was granting t.j. temporary custody because katherine is, quote, being prevented from acting as guardian by...
Jul 23, 2012
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>>> katherine jackson is alive and well, but the drama continues for the jackson family. losarizona, she's resting on doctor's orders. the 82-year-old jackson family matriarch was officially reported missing saturday night, confusion over where she was prompted a plea from jackson's granddaughter, paris. katherine jackson is the primary caretaker for michael jackson's children since he died. and meanwhile, michael jackson's siblingses are reportedly feuding over their brother's estate. coming up, the author of the anatomy of evil will join me to talk more about the accused gunman in the colorado shooting and what we know about him so far. also another person as died after that shocking crash in texas involving a pickup truck crammed with 23 people. we'll get details in our news around the nation. [ cellphone rings ] the wife. hey, babe. got the jetta. i wiped the floor with the guy! not really. i would've been fine with 0% for 36 months, but i demanded 60. no...i didn't do that. it was like taking candy from a baby. you're a grown man. alright, see you at home. [ male announc
>>> katherine jackson is alive and well, but the drama continues for the jackson family. losarizona, she's resting on doctor's orders. the 82-year-old jackson family matriarch was officially reported missing saturday night, confusion over where she was prompted a plea from jackson's granddaughter, paris. katherine jackson is the primary caretaker for michael jackson's children since he died. and meanwhile, michael jackson's siblingses are reportedly feuding over their brother's estate....
Jul 9, 2012
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ernest bornain, murió a los 95 años, es uno de los actores más populares de la televisión en estados unidos, se dio a conocer por su papel del sargento jacksonoy después de la rretera de afganistán, antes de esto hubo otro ataque insurgente, estas muertes llevan a las muertes de tropas de la otran. >>> en rusia, las cifras de muerto por las tormentas elen las 100 personas, el presidente putin visitó la región afectada. >>> de las mortales inundaciones en rusia, pasamos a china, donde este acróbata cinaba de espaldas, ylos ojos vendados en un barranco, por poco termina en el spital, el hombre resbaló en dos oportunidades, pero siguió para terminar de cubrir el trayecto, el acróbata cayó y fue amortiguado por unos árboles. >>> el que no pudo fue murray ante roger federer. >>> los británicpos tenían mucha ilusión y cayó. >>> saludo, tocayo, le entramos a los deporte,s rque también nles cuento que robb keane celebró su cumpleaños c su equipo, la otra cara de la moneda es el bofo bautis, vamos a ver la información. >>> el bofo bautistaexplotó contra lairectiva del queréto, esto después que el que el bofo no está considerado para epróximo torneo.
ernest bornain, murió a los 95 años, es uno de los actores más populares de la televisión en estados unidos, se dio a conocer por su papel del sargento jacksonoy después de la rretera de afganistán, antes de esto hubo otro ataque insurgente, estas muertes llevan a las muertes de tropas de la otran. >>> en rusia, las cifras de muerto por las tormentas elen las 100 personas, el presidente putin visitó la región afectada. >>> de las mortales inundaciones en rusia, pasamos...
Jul 26, 2012
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>> well, you know, kyra, catherine jackson left los angeles last week on doctor's orders to get away her late son michael jackson's lucrative estate. now she is back in california and one can only imagine how she is dealing with this bitter feud. a spokesperson alerted me that catherine jackson got a police escort to her home once she arrived in cal labassas from he daughter, and in that statement she read, my sources say she is at a loss of words over the incredible events that have unfolded in her absence and she is back in l.a. to take care of business. >> there is a tweet from michael jackson's son accusing the family of lying. what is the story behind that? >> well, it is scathing and in part reads although i am happy that my grandmother is back, and i realize how badly and misguided she is and lied to and i am angry and mishurt. so many sides to the story we are hearing and allegations from those close to the family that these children, michael's children are being used as pawns here and all comes down to money. and michael jackson's lucrative estate and it was the jackson child
>> well, you know, kyra, catherine jackson left los angeles last week on doctor's orders to get away her late son michael jackson's lucrative estate. now she is back in california and one can only imagine how she is dealing with this bitter feud. a spokesperson alerted me that catherine jackson got a police escort to her home once she arrived in cal labassas from he daughter, and in that statement she read, my sources say she is at a loss of words over the incredible events that have...
Jul 26, 2012
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. >>> and more drama out in los angeles involving the jackson family. >>> i'm liz crenshaw.for everyday things lying around the house makes >>> simple summertime tricks. >> wondering what to do with the expired sunscreen? looking to sue that bug bite itch. >>> or must-haves liz crenshaw has her latest tricks of the trade. >> we turn to "real simple" for ideas of using everyday things lying around the house. >>> nothing says summer like a make your own sun daddy. here's how to keep the toppings contained. the trick -- an ice cube tray. make your own sundaes without the mess. thinking of ice cream? serve it in citrus. cut an orange in half, scoop out the fruit, freeze the run, a pretty and practical way to help keep the ice cream frozen. >>> serving corn on the cob this summer? here's a trick for getting the silks off easily -- an old toothbrush. use the cooler to keep the corn hot. >>> if you don't want your corn on the cob, use the bunt pan to hold the cob steady. it's a great kernel catcher. here's the trick to controlling your utense us. toss them in a mitt and hang them o
. >>> and more drama out in los angeles involving the jackson family. >>> i'm liz crenshaw.for everyday things lying around the house makes >>> simple summertime tricks. >> wondering what to do with the expired sunscreen? looking to sue that bug bite itch. >>> or must-haves liz crenshaw has her latest tricks of the trade. >> we turn to "real simple" for ideas of using everyday things lying around the house. >>> nothing says...
Jul 26, 2012
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. >>> y siguen los problemas en la familia de michael jackson, estas son imÁgenes de una discusiÓn entreÓo la custodia de los hijos a un sobrino del cantante. >>> y demandÓ sofÍa vergara, cuestiona la legalidad de su contrato de participaciÓn en una serie de televisiÓn,e unieron otros 4 artistas que participan en el programa, alegando que el contrato es ilegal en el estado de california, el contrato de 7 aÑos impide tener otros trfeo, y limita aumentos salariales, por la serie vergara fue nominada a los premios emmy. y este aÑo fue nombrada como la actriz mejor pagada. >>> y joan sebastian confirmÓ que estÁ batallando contra el cÁncer, y ante 25 mil personas se quitÓ el sombrero para mostrar que le queda poco cabello por los tratamientos de quimioterapia, y aunque no revelÓ en quÉ etapa estÁ su tratamiento, dijo que retomarÁ su carrera cuando mejore su salud. >>> y derecho a la cÁrcel enviaron a omega a la bailarina que lo acusÓ de agredirlo. y se desatÓ el caos justo cuando era trasladado a prisiÓn. >>> empujones y momentos de tensiÓn se vivieron anoche, cuando estallaron en llanto cuan
. >>> y siguen los problemas en la familia de michael jackson, estas son imÁgenes de una discusiÓn entreÓo la custodia de los hijos a un sobrino del cantante. >>> y demandÓ sofÍa vergara, cuestiona la legalidad de su contrato de participaciÓn en una serie de televisiÓn,e unieron otros 4 artistas que participan en el programa, alegando que el contrato es ilegal en el estado de california, el contrato de 7 aÑos impide tener otros trfeo, y limita aumentos salariales, por...
Jul 23, 2012
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michael jackson's mother is ánotá missing.. that's the word this morning the loseles sheriff's department. katherine was reported missing by her nephew after family members were unable to reach her.jermaine jackson says katherine is with her daughter rebbie in arizona.. following doctor's orders to quote áde- stress.á more than 700-thousand dollars is raised for a new york bus monitor... after video went viral of her being taunted by kids.it's the story that made national headlines... causing some to reach out through an online fundraiser.originally... the goal was to raise 5-grand.but donations kept pouring in from all over the u-s... and about 80 other countries.the 4 middle school students who insulted her were suspended for a year... and must go through a bullying prevention program. 3 ok, ravens fans... get ready... this is the week you've been waiting for...the season is about to get underway...training camp opens this week. the rookies and assorted veterans began to arrive in owings mills on sunday....and tomorrow, the first actual workouts of training camp
michael jackson's mother is ánotá missing.. that's the word this morning the loseles sheriff's department. katherine was reported missing by her nephew after family members were unable to reach her.jermaine jackson says katherine is with her daughter rebbie in arizona.. following doctor's orders to quote áde- stress.á more than 700-thousand dollars is raised for a new york bus monitor... after video went viral of her being taunted by kids.it's the story that made national headlines......
Jul 25, 2012
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jackson about it. he's on the phone. but abc's nick watt has the latest from los angeles.orning, robin. it's a family feud getting bigger and uglier by the day. i can't stop watching that video of the alleged frac as. >> in the video you can see janet jackson trying to grab paris' cell phone. tmz talked to someone who was there. >> janet jackson slapped paris in the face. after the slap janet told paris you're a spoiled little [ bleep ]. >> reporter: katherine's lawyer said she was also on the scene. >> i believe it was because of the tweets. >> reporter: paris is still tweeting, still haven't spoken to grandma. 9 days and counting. the kids were coming home from summer school. jermaine, randy and janet followed the suv into the compound. >> it was like a scene from the jerry springer show. trent punched jermaine jackson in the mouth and trent grabbed randy and put him in a head lock. >> reporter: as you can imagine, there are a few sides to this story. al sharpton on msnbc. >> we did go home to let paris and prince know they can visit with or talk to their grandma at any
jackson about it. he's on the phone. but abc's nick watt has the latest from los angeles.orning, robin. it's a family feud getting bigger and uglier by the day. i can't stop watching that video of the alleged frac as. >> in the video you can see janet jackson trying to grab paris' cell phone. tmz talked to someone who was there. >> janet jackson slapped paris in the face. after the slap janet told paris you're a spoiled little [ bleep ]. >> reporter: katherine's lawyer said...
Jul 22, 2012
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los angeles. concern this morning that katherine jackson, may be missing.son sent a tweet pleading for help, could it be part of family feud? abc's scott goldberg has the story. >> reporter: she's the mat ree ark of the jackson clan and katherine jackson might be missing. . this morning, paris jackson is tweeting, yes, my grandmother is missing. i haven't spoken with her in a week. if anybody sees my grandmother, please call the authorities. the 82-year-old mrs. jackson reportedly left her home in california last sunday to fly to albuquerque to watch her other four sons in concert. since then, paris hasn't been able to get in touch. whatever is going on the jackson family drama has been building to a krcrescendo. his mom is suing concert promoter, aeg, for hiring dr. klein. and paris recently got into a twitter war calling randy jackson a liar. >> one thing that's there's always a rift over, how the kids should be raised. >> she made her aunt janet angry when she told ellen that she was going to be a movie. >> reporter: michael famously lamented his loss ch
los angeles. concern this morning that katherine jackson, may be missing.son sent a tweet pleading for help, could it be part of family feud? abc's scott goldberg has the story. >> reporter: she's the mat ree ark of the jackson clan and katherine jackson might be missing. . this morning, paris jackson is tweeting, yes, my grandmother is missing. i haven't spoken with her in a week. if anybody sees my grandmother, please call the authorities. the 82-year-old mrs. jackson reportedly left...
Jul 25, 2012
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los angeles. >> sources tell abc news that tito jackson's son is planning to file for temporary guardianship of michael jackson's three kids. "good morning america" will have the latest tomorrow. coming up next, the current star of the batman franchise pays his respect in the colorado town still reeling from friday's shooting massacre. [ feedback ] attention, well, everyone. you can now try snapshot from progressive free for 30 days. just plug this into your car, and your good driving can save you up to 30%. you could even try it without switching your insurance. why not give it a shot? carry on. now you can test-drive snapshot before you switch. visit progressive.com today. and so too is the summer event. now get an incredible offer on the powerful c250 sport sedan. but hurry before this opportunity...disappears. the mercedes-benz summer event ends july 31st. the mercedes-benz summer event those little things for you, life's about her. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be
los angeles. >> sources tell abc news that tito jackson's son is planning to file for temporary guardianship of michael jackson's three kids. "good morning america" will have the latest tomorrow. coming up next, the current star of the batman franchise pays his respect in the colorado town still reeling from friday's shooting massacre. [ feedback ] attention, well, everyone. you can now try snapshot from progressive free for 30 days. just plug this into your car, and your good...
Jul 26, 2012
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jackson's three children. >> there were rumors that i have been kidnapped and held against my will. i am here today to let everybody know that i am fine. >> a los angeles judge temporarily suspended her as "the guardian because she was in arizona and did not spoken with them in several days. jackson told abc news she was hurt by the court ruling and it was based on a bunch of lies. she says she is returning to los angeles to deal with it. she denies reports she was held against her will in arizona. >> there's always something going on. >> the news regarding the behind-the-scenes drama with nbc's hit comedy "modern family." >> the test is scheduled for the first table read. the first one was canceled because of ongoing salary disputes. 20th-century fox is optimistic all the actors will be there, despite a lawsuit filed? by the adult members of the cast. the lawsuit asks that all actors contracts be avoided because they violated a law that bars personal service contracts of more than seven years in the state of california. that should be interesting. 4:57, 71 degrees. >> one of the hitwilight wow, look at this bed! this nightstand! this wardrobe!
jackson's three children. >> there were rumors that i have been kidnapped and held against my will. i am here today to let everybody know that i am fine. >> a los angeles judge temporarily suspended her as "the guardian because she was in arizona and did not spoken with them in several days. jackson told abc news she was hurt by the court ruling and it was based on a bunch of lies. she says she is returning to los angeles to deal with it. she denies reports she was held against...
Jul 28, 2012
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> joining us now are tom mesereau michael jackson's defense attorney and family friend and brook anderson co-anchor of the insider. they're both up early in losngeles. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> tom, let's start with the end of what randy jackson was saying. he went on to say this. the same people that are trying to manipulate my mother are the same people involved with my brother when he died. serious, serious allegations right there. who is he talking about? >> well i'm not exactly sure. i suspect he's talking about the people who ran the jackson estate. there's tremendous tension between family members and those that run the jackson estate. from the family point of view they're seeing lawyers and third parties make millions and millions of dollars off michael's estate. they don't think this is fair. they're suspicious about the will. the will says it was executed in los angeles when everyone has proven that michael was in new york and there are other issues. there's continuing tension over not only the size of this estate but how it's managed and how it's divvyied out. i don't think that will dissipate soon. >> that's quite a
> joining us now are tom mesereau michael jackson's defense attorney and family friend and brook anderson co-anchor of the insider. they're both up early in losngeles. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> tom, let's start with the end of what randy jackson was saying. he went on to say this. the same people that are trying to manipulate my mother are the same people involved with my brother when he died. serious, serious allegations right there. who is he talking about?...
Jul 25, 2012
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righting a wrong. >> randy jackson, thank you for your willingness to clear up some of this with us this morning. glad to hear your mother is well and on the way back to losway back to los angeles. also want to make it clear there was not an alteration. nothing physical happened between paris and janet. >> he was very forceful about that. >> he was. >> okay. robin, thanks. >>> also coming up, what is the best way for couples to break up when the love is no longer there. one enterprising businessman has a new idea. it's called the divorce hotel. couples check in married and check out single. lama hasan checked it out for us. >> christie brinkley, madonna. paul mccartney. famous faces all known for their high-profile divorces. they can be pricey. painful and just plain old messy. remember "war of the roses." but just like tom-kat's out of court settlement, there's an easier way to end a marriage. enter dutch entrepreneur who came up with this idea for couples on the way to splitsville. >> come to us and we divorce you in three days. >> welcome to the hotel. where, for a fee of anywhere from $3500 to $10,000, you check in with your spouse married, and with y
righting a wrong. >> randy jackson, thank you for your willingness to clear up some of this with us this morning. glad to hear your mother is well and on the way back to losway back to los angeles. also want to make it clear there was not an alteration. nothing physical happened between paris and janet. >> he was very forceful about that. >> he was. >> okay. robin, thanks. >>> also coming up, what is the best way for couples to break up when the love is no...
Jul 22, 2012
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los angeles. concern this morning that katherine jackson, may be missing.son sent a tweet pleading for help, but could it all be part of a family feud? abc's scott goldberg has the story. >> reporter: she's the mom of king of pop and katherine jackson might be missing. this morning, paris jackson is tweeting, yes, my grandmother is missing. i haven't spoken with her in a week. i want her home now. if anybody sees my grandmother, please call the authorities. the family's security team tells abc news that this is a messing person situation. the 82-year-old mrs. jackson reportedly left her home in calabassas, california, last sunday to fly to albuquerque to watch her other four sons in concert. since then, paris says that she hasn't been able to get in touch. whatever is going on the jackson family drama has been building to a crescendo. michael's mom and siblings are wrapped in legal battles over his will. his mom is suing concert promoter, aeg, was negliengent for hiring dr. conrad murray. and paris recently got into a twitter war calling randy jackson a lia
los angeles. concern this morning that katherine jackson, may be missing.son sent a tweet pleading for help, but could it all be part of a family feud? abc's scott goldberg has the story. >> reporter: she's the mom of king of pop and katherine jackson might be missing. this morning, paris jackson is tweeting, yes, my grandmother is missing. i haven't spoken with her in a week. i want her home now. if anybody sees my grandmother, please call the authorities. the family's security team...
Jul 9, 2012
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estados unidos y su@@ familia pide (m-f)@@ cap- los que mataron a su (m-f)@@he- ) >> conacto (@@univisdonprimer i quedó eler impacto (m-f)@@heuni hospital jackson dond tuvo que recibir operaciones. >> le sacaronto (m-@@er imp (m- tamaño de un puño, le rompieron los dientes. >> esto ocurrió poco antes de juntarse con jóvenes. >> en internet supo que iba una reunión de gente que anda en patineta. >> Él anda solo en patineta y acto (fue un hacerdonpr impacm-o >>isdonprimer impacto (m-f)univ@ carro lleno de sangre. impacm-fo >> renné primer impacto (m-f)uno ) hombres de raza negra los @@antes,ivisdo en miami carolin cardona, "primer impacto". >> gracias ympacto en otras er impacto (m-f)@@univisdonprimn n que ella fue infiel. >> vamos ahora a otras noticias, un muerto y varios heridos en un partido de fútbol, la respuesta fue a tiro limpio, uno de los agresores murió. >> atrapado dentro de su auto quedó un hombre luego de un accidente, los socorristas acto (vieronunm-f)univisdon@@prp @ univiscialespr impacm-f)heunivi) sem-f)he dioacto ( aimer ito (m lo arrestaron. >> la (m-f)univisdon@@heprimer mexicano muere en manos to (m- policía, vamos con los d
estados unidos y su@@ familia pide (m-f)@@ cap- los que mataron a su (m-f)@@he- ) >> conacto (@@univisdonprimer i quedó eler impacto (m-f)@@heuni hospital jackson dond tuvo que recibir operaciones. >> le sacaronto (m-@@er imp (m- tamaño de un puño, le rompieron los dientes. >> esto ocurrió poco antes de juntarse con jóvenes. >> en internet supo que iba una reunión de gente que anda en patineta. >> Él anda solo en patineta y acto (fue un hacerdonpr impacm-o...
Jul 26, 2012
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. >>> a judge in los angeles is taking michael jackson's three children away from the singer's motherkatherine jackson had custody of them but went missing this month and she is devastated by the ruling. the grandmother was on a short vacation in arizona but the judge gave temporary legal guardianship of least to michael jackson's nephew. >>> twilight strar kristin stewart has issued a public apoll to boyfriend and costar robert pattinson following tabloid reports that she had an affair with her snow white and the huns man director rupert sanders. sortly after the 22-year-old ask rest issued her apology to people magazine, sanders followed suit issuing his open public apology. in the latest issue, us weekly published photos of stewart and sanders together. sanders is married to model and actress liberty ross and they have two children together. all kind of hollywood drama. >>> a hotel in england replaced the bibles in every single room with a best-selling novel 50 shades of gray. all kind of job that could go right in there. the erotic novel has been flying off store shelves since the
. >>> a judge in los angeles is taking michael jackson's three children away from the singer's motherkatherine jackson had custody of them but went missing this month and she is devastated by the ruling. the grandmother was on a short vacation in arizona but the judge gave temporary legal guardianship of least to michael jackson's nephew. >>> twilight strar kristin stewart has issued a public apoll to boyfriend and costar robert pattinson following tabloid reports that she had...
Jul 26, 2012
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. >>> michael jackson's mother no longer has custody of his children, at least for now. edward lawrence reports for wjz, a judge in los angeles has appointed one of jackson's nephews to be temporarily appointed guardian. >> michael jackson's children, prince, paris, and blanket, are now in the custody of their uncle, t.j. jackson. one relative said appointed guardian katherine jackson had been missing. the 82-year-old in -- matriarch hadn't talked to them in 15 days. paris jackson wrote, nine days and counting. so help me whoever did this, i will make them pay. >> there was a very significant concern on the part of janet and jermaine that their mother might be upset. >> reporter: tj jackson told the court about a strange phone conversation he hads withs -- had with his grandmother, saying she was slurring his speech and was not herself. >> reporter: t.j. jackson said he is not seeking permanent guardianship. sheriff's deputies responded to a confrontation between two factions of the family monday. >> i can guarantee you, she has been absolutely unaware of any of the controversy and drama that has been going on for the
. >>> michael jackson's mother no longer has custody of his children, at least for now. edward lawrence reports for wjz, a judge in los angeles has appointed one of jackson's nephews to be temporarily appointed guardian. >> michael jackson's children, prince, paris, and blanket, are now in the custody of their uncle, t.j. jackson. one relative said appointed guardian katherine jackson had been missing. the 82-year-old in -- matriarch hadn't talked to them in 15 days. paris...
Jul 26, 2012
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. >>> continÚan los problemas de los hijos de michael jackson porque el juez le quita la custodia a sul que los hombres >>> eso lo hablamos en casos de familia despuÉs que termine "despierta amÉrica" . ( ♪ mÚsica♪) >>> cumpleaÑos feliz, te deseamos a ti, cumpleaÑos fernanda cumpleaÑos feliz vamos a una pausa. >>> vÁmonos. >>> quÉ dice que les pasÓ >>> seÑores el espacio apesta no me lo crean a mÍ lo dicen los de la nasa seÑores. >>> no sabemos. >>> despuÉs de una pausa veremos la soluciÓn que tiene la mano curis manny q ribts amÉrica >>> ademÁs seguimos sa prendiendo, del proceso te enseÑa hoy nos tiene el Último estudio que demuestra que los hombres seÑores ayudan a las mujereses en la casa son mÁs felices y tienen mÁs problemas dÓnde estÁn esos ma shoetchos q quieren cocinar y planchar. a ana brenda nos confesÓ la razÓn por quÉ esconde a su novio, y quÉ nos revelÓ william levy seÑores van a brincar de alegrÍa sus fanÁticas, y cumpleaÑos felicite deseamos a ti, cumpleaÑos feliz bravo. a a a a a a a a a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o za a a a a sa mucho mi. >>> mÁs a menos michael wlk
. >>> continÚan los problemas de los hijos de michael jackson porque el juez le quita la custodia a sul que los hombres >>> eso lo hablamos en casos de familia despuÉs que termine "despierta amÉrica" . ( ♪ mÚsica♪) >>> cumpleaÑos feliz, te deseamos a ti, cumpleaÑos fernanda cumpleaÑos feliz vamos a una pausa. >>> vÁmonos. >>> quÉ dice que les pasÓ >>> seÑores el espacio apesta no me lo crean a mÍ lo dicen los de la...
Jul 25, 2012
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. >>> this just in, kathryn jackson is no longer guardian of michael jackson's children. a loserior court judge made that ruling minutes ago. the judge appointed t.j. jackson as temporary guardian of prince, paris and blanket. t.j. is the 34-year-old son of tito johnson. this comes after she was first reported missing. los angeles police found her at a spa in arizona. we're making calls as soon as we get more information. we promise we'll bring it to you live. >>> he's a baseball legends. he's a hall of famer. we have just learned cal r ripken's mother has been abdu abducted by gunpoint. >>> also the mystery woman. here she is standing next to north korea's dictator is now his wife. his latest secret revealed. throughout our entire lives. ♪ one a day men's 50+ is a complete multi-vitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. ♪ it has more of seven antioxidants to support cell health. that's one a day men's 50+ healthy advantage. to find you a great deal, even if it's not with us. [ ding ] oh, that's helpful! well, our company does that, too. actually, we invented that.
. >>> this just in, kathryn jackson is no longer guardian of michael jackson's children. a loserior court judge made that ruling minutes ago. the judge appointed t.j. jackson as temporary guardian of prince, paris and blanket. t.j. is the 34-year-old son of tito johnson. this comes after she was first reported missing. los angeles police found her at a spa in arizona. we're making calls as soon as we get more information. we promise we'll bring it to you live. >>> he's a...
Jul 13, 2012
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lo may be out the door, as well. if randy jackson leaves, as rumored, a replacement is ready. mariah carey is said to be in serious talks to be the newest judge. you'd have like, a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or, "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology, and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing-out, and yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. click or call. >>> updating the top stories. a washington, d.c. police officer is on desk duty after making a reference to shooting the first lady. michelle obama was never in any danger. >>> condoleezza rice is reportedly among the top choices for mitt romney's running mate. however, the former secretary of state has repeatedly said she has no interest in political office. >>> and an air scare to force a delta flight to make a midair turnaround. the suspicious device, no explosives were found. >>> a quick look at weather. drenching rain along the gulf coast. g
lo may be out the door, as well. if randy jackson leaves, as rumored, a replacement is ready. mariah carey is said to be in serious talks to be the newest judge. you'd have like, a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or, "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology, and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing-out, and yes, especially...
Jul 22, 2012
eye 321
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los angeles. there's concern this morning that katherine jackson, the 82-year-old matriarch of the famous jacksony be missing. paris jackson sent a tweet pleading for help, but could it all be part of a family feud? abc's scott goldberg has the story. >> reporter: she's the matriarch of the jackson clan, the mom of the kingpop and katherine jackson might be missing. this morning, michael's daughter paris is tweeting, yes shgs my grandmother is missing. i haven't spoken with her in a week. i want her home now. and if anybody sees my grandmother, please call the authorities. the family's security team tells abc news this is a missing person situation. the 82-year-old mrs. jackson reportedly left her home in calabassas, california, last sunday to fly to albuquerque to watch her other four sons in concert. but since then paris says she hasn't been able to get in touch, which is strange because she and her siblings have been living with their grandmother since their dad died three years ago. whatever is going on, the jackson family drama has been building to a crescendo. michael's mom and siblings are
los angeles. there's concern this morning that katherine jackson, the 82-year-old matriarch of the famous jacksony be missing. paris jackson sent a tweet pleading for help, but could it all be part of a family feud? abc's scott goldberg has the story. >> reporter: she's the matriarch of the jackson clan, the mom of the kingpop and katherine jackson might be missing. this morning, michael's daughter paris is tweeting, yes shgs my grandmother is missing. i haven't spoken with her in a week....
Jul 28, 2012
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. >>> a judge in los angeles ordered an investigation into how the children of michael jackson are copingt stripped katherine jackson of her guardianship. she is expected to file for a change of guardianship. if approved tj jackson would be co-guardian of prince, paris and blanket. >>> it is official, a retailer is opening up this fall in san francisco. mayor ed lee announced they are set to open in union square. they plan to hire 500 local workers. they made a 25 noun dollars donation to the bay area chapter of the red cross. >>> starting tomorrow getting around san francisco's union square will be more challenging. david stevenson on the project that will change some commute patterns for years to come. >> reporter: it is one of san francisco's bizzest spots for tour -- busiest spots for tourism and shopping. >> it has been busy. >> reporter: monday it will be more difficult to get around. that is when officials will ban cars from this two block stretch of stockton street for 5 years. it is being closed to build a stop on the central subway. they will tear an underground path. >> rerouti
. >>> a judge in los angeles ordered an investigation into how the children of michael jackson are copingt stripped katherine jackson of her guardianship. she is expected to file for a change of guardianship. if approved tj jackson would be co-guardian of prince, paris and blanket. >>> it is official, a retailer is opening up this fall in san francisco. mayor ed lee announced they are set to open in union square. they plan to hire 500 local workers. they made a 25 noun dollars...
Jul 23, 2012
eye 213
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but now there is word michael jackson's mother is ánotá missing.. 3 that's according to the los angelese was reported missing by her nephew after family members were unable to reach her.jermaine jackson says katherine is with her daughter in arizona.. following doctor's orders to quote áde-stress.áthis comes several days after a dispute between mrs. jackson's advisers and several of her children over finances and legal affairs. coming up in our 7 o'clock hour... an air force jet makes a áhugeá mistake... and it's caught on camera.the surprising thing that went wrong... with its landing. landing.you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 8)) the suspect in the colorado movie massacre will be in court today.the issues he's having with his attorney plus... how the nation is remembering the victims. the weekend cooldown is over.just how hot it will get today.. and the one day this week you should make out door plans... if you want to avoid getting rained on. and.. this little bear cub.. shuts down an entire mall.the technology he used to get inside. 3 3 today is
but now there is word michael jackson's mother is ánotá missing.. 3 that's according to the los angelese was reported missing by her nephew after family members were unable to reach her.jermaine jackson says katherine is with her daughter in arizona.. following doctor's orders to quote áde-stress.áthis comes several days after a dispute between mrs. jackson's advisers and several of her children over finances and legal affairs. coming up in our 7 o'clock hour... an air force jet makes a...
Jul 13, 2012
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lo may be out the door, as well. if randy jackson leaves, as rumored, a replacement is ready. mariah carey is said to be in serious talks to become the newest judge. a lot of companies might answer "um" or, "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology, and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing-out, and yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. click or call. >> next, the bay area's biggest city gets federal money to higher more firefighters. l.a. police monitoring streets after clashes with occupy protesters, several officers were injured. mike will have a look at forecast. >>> cleaner and cooler air on the way. >> frances will have in parts of the west. >>> and finally, it's midsummer. i need to go on vacation. >> going too fast. >> yeah. and the presidential campaign isn't quite as fever pitch just yet. >> not until after labor day. but that doesn't mean this past week didn't private great material for the late-night comics. here's the proof in your "friday funnies." >>
lo may be out the door, as well. if randy jackson leaves, as rumored, a replacement is ready. mariah carey is said to be in serious talks to become the newest judge. a lot of companies might answer "um" or, "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology, and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing-out, and yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. click or call. >>...
Jul 26, 2012
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. >> there's this morning that katherine jackson may be back home with her grand children. jason kennedy in los angeles with the latest on this. >> reporter: good morning to you. after a very public battle in the jackson family this morning, the word came from paris on twitter "grandma's here, thank you god." her return came right after an appearance on national tv. michael jackson's family has seen its share of drama but wednesday night there was another strange twist. hours after katherine jackson, michael's mother, was temporarily replaced as guardian for his children, the matriarch spoke out publicly on "nightline" surrounded by her children. >> there are rumors that i've been kidnapped and held against my will. i'm here today to let everybody know i'm fine and my children would never do a thing like that. >> reporter: wednesday some members of the jackson family had gone to court claiming katherine was being held against her will and was not with michael's children for more than a week. los angeles family court appointed t.j. action as temporary guardian. >> i don't think the takeaway from
. >> there's this morning that katherine jackson may be back home with her grand children. jason kennedy in los angeles with the latest on this. >> reporter: good morning to you. after a very public battle in the jackson family this morning, the word came from paris on twitter "grandma's here, thank you god." her return came right after an appearance on national tv. michael jackson's family has seen its share of drama but wednesday night there was another strange twist....