los pal los -- pal mose, to be an appropriate development for the following reasons. first, the zoning administrator has analyzed the proposed subdivision in detail and has determined that it is fully code compliant. the planning code allows properties that have their frontages within 125 feet of intersections to be 1,750 square feet rather than 2,500 square feet. this is not an abnormal development pattern throughout the portions of the park that are zoned rh-1. this section of the code is not however applicable to those portions of the park that are zoned rh-1-d. san francisco is facing a housing shortage. in the older established rh-1 districts, particularly those on the west side of town, there are very knew opportunities to add new housing without demolish depifting -- existing housing. one way is by subdividing large underdeveloped plots. by allowing new plots to be created, it allows the creation of new single family dwellings. third, the proposed dwelling is appropriately scaled and designed to be compatible with the surrounding development. the height of the building and its stepping patterns respect the laterally sloping at that pog are aify. the depth of the building is consistent with the established development in that it is shallower than both adjacent buildings. the top floor of the dwelling has been pulled back from the rear walls in order to reduce the height of the building and the building's proposed design and overall commissioner veronese: knack lar is not mimicking the past. with regard to privacy, the residential design good j -- guidelines note that some privacy impact should be assumed with development but that unusual privacy impact should be mitigated. seeing as there is more than 40 feet separating the house from the 203 los palmos property, the department does not find there to be any unusual privacy impact and last, the majority of the qur's remaining concerns are not planning department-related issues. the department's residential design team has reviewed the project and finds it to be on balance, consistent with the general planning code and residential design guidelines. the r.d.t. does not find the project to contain or create any exceptional or extraordinary circumstances. however, it has determined that this warrants a full analysis. under the commissioner's pending legislation, this would be referred to you since it contains new construction on a vacant lot. nonetheless, the department recommends that you do not take d.r. and approve the new construction at 203 los palmos as proposed. this concludes my presentation and i am happy to answer any questions. thank you. president miguel: thank you. project sponsor. excuse me. this is the d.r. d.r. requester. >> is there a clicker to the slide? i have