there's a list of projects here, daly city recyclable expansion, partnership with the alameda county water district, los vaqueros water loss prevention, and east side power plant. we've moved away from the plant on the east side for nonpotable purposes, but we think out there, 10, 20 years, we will be thinking about it for potable purposes. each of these is estimated to produce a certain amount of water. if you add up the high estimates here, it adds up collectively to 50 million gallons perday. every one of these projects has its issues. the los 1r9d aqueros residence voyeresidence -- reservoir has a blampg because we don't know what it's going to be yet. the point is that these have all been in active discussion, and we are moving forward with them at different paces, but i'm just reminded now, the groundwater storage and recovery project, we're almost ready to put into operation now. it was initiated by a letter in 1993, so we're at 25 years and counting on that for a project that seemed like a no brainer at the time, but every project has challenges. we are going to be able to conserve more, but at least in