>> yeah, so los vegas sands, interestingly, isn't so much a los vegas company. so less than 16% of their overall revenues come from the united states. less than 15% of the net operating income, comes from the united states. most of it from macaw and secondarily from singapore so you are talking over 80% of the revenue from those two places and macaw is very important, because we know one of the things hurting this company was there a crackdown on some of the junkets from people from carolina to macaw what they have done to try to mitigate that is they are going more towards mass market the nice thing about mass market, even though they bet much less, the win percent sam higher 30% versus 10% for the higher baccareat players. i want to fund longer-dated calls. i was looking at the november-january 65 call spread. that was going to cost me approximately 1.30 the idea is those started dated calls which expire two weeks from today, that will offset the that longer date call purchase hopefully next month i will sell more calls and hopefully higher strike ones. so if