shouldn't need that you have some parts of america dragging down the most innovative parts a lose losethisle we are in right now. >> what about ford? a $250,000 aded campaign before eric cantor's loss. how big a blow is this? >> this is a blow to anyone endorsing immigration. this is our loss as much as it --anyone else is. -- l's anyone else's. >> what can they do? >> we have to start going to the president and our progress when -- our congressmen and saying it's not all or nothing. don't hold us hostage because you are trying to get more votes. what we need to boost the economy and help the economy is to solve our problems. we need to divide and conquer and get the things we need. there are things we would support like the dream act. temporaryide residence. they don't care about citizenship. they want the right to be able to come and go as a please. this is what we need to come to the bottom of. they need to push for the right things. >> you think other republicans are going to move to the right now that cantor has suffered this loss? are theepublicans problem. republicans are even more