loshytskaya village in minsk. dawn of a new era and the symbol of future changes, the pattern of art that formed the canons and traditions. the cossack palace is like the spring of large-scale changes, illustrating the project and... yashche from 16 hundred years ago this month is known in the chronicles of the history as " loshytsky's courtyard". at the 18th century, the courtyard became a happy place for the prushynski family. they will have a house here and set up a regular park. such sadziba prastaіts amal paўtara stagodzia. pakul u aposhnyaya tretsyay 19 stagodzia loshytsa ne pyaroidze va uladanna radzichaprushynskih yaustafiya lyubansk. yago magannyami typical gentry wedding will become the issue patterns style of the novaga hour. maderna. the people of the lubansk marchers share their fractions with the pamesnaya gentry. the sides of the spoon were filled with maentkas in different meats in the back of luban in the wileyszczyna, adkul and pakhodzitsa and their nicknames. father yastafiya yan would be banker