now, instead of folks losi homes to foreclosure, they buy it an cut the loan principle to match the current pay the local government. is it legal? with us now the attorney dwien case, and liz weil. dwyaneings you say the point is there needs to be a way to force lenders to make decisions that are good for them. tell mewhat you mean by that. >> well, you know, some of the lenders, some of the hings are in a trust, and they can't write them back by law. if they follow the trust, they couldn't do it. there's got to be a way. they want to in a lot of cases write it back, and they can't it on their own so there needs to be a mechanism, and this just seems like a way to it. number one, the government started this mes and we have given -- rri: forcedd the finger of a ot of people, my friend. >> i have to become very clear with you, i don't like imminent domain, full disclosure because generally the federal government comes in and takes your land, your property, your mall, whatever it is, because the need to build a road or do something, and they don't compensate you. gerri: it's the local governme