professionals say and can't buy anymore stock on the way down because you're so out of capital you'll lososmoney, at least on paper or bow rowing money for your portfolio. stocks aren't houses, you can't fall back and live in them if you have a mortgage on them. they just get taken away by the margin clerks. >> sell, sell, sell! >> what do you do? how do you manage a portfolio under conditions where things go wrong with the stocks you own in the market all the time, wholly apart of what's going on at the individual companies in which you own shares. there are no magic bullets but i believe when in doubt, this one principle is key. discipline trumps conviction. memorize that term. discipline trumps conviction. i stared at the yellow post-it for many years when i was managing money professionally to remind myself things go wrong and you need a scheme to help you deal with situations as thinin go wrong as they do. i put a discipline trumps conviction sign right on my personal computer to remind me of what to do in the stock market when things go awry. one of my best forms of protection is to recogn