puffs plus with lotion and shea butter, has a soothing sensation.in need deserves puffs plus indeed. and try puffs plus with the comforting scent of vicks. grilled nation is 60 million strong and counting. and now you can be part of it too. try a two-piece meal with 2 sides... ( siren blaring ) narrator: a florida convenience store is closed up for the night... ( tires screeching ) ... when three men in a pickup show up looking to make a withdrawal. commentator: let's go ! give me that chain, give me that chain, give me that chain. wrap it around, wrap it around. hook up the truck ! you ready ? go, go, go, go ! drive it, drive it ! we ain't got much, time, man, come on, let's-- ready ? let's lift it. come on, lift it, lift it ! no, that ain't gonna work. that ain't gonna gonna work. too heavy, too heavy, come on ! michael: when i say, "one, two, three, lift," one, two, three, lift ! commentator: yeah, push out, push out, push out, push out. it's too heavy. my arms are tired, boss. my arms are tired. gotta pull the handle, dude. brad: oh, god, okay.