and this is lotsman lotsman, a person who knows everything about the fairway, about the shore, about in general, such a guide who can absolutely painlessly and calmly guide the ship so that it does not let the leak build a tower. and if you succeed, we will sum up the results of the first round, god we believe, because she always builds 30 seconds for everything, build harmony. the harmonies on this side took about five seconds, leaving 18 seconds on this one. calmly, control stay next to her team, everything is fine. the tower exposed everything. this means that we can sum up the results of our first round. according to the results of the round, each correct answer will cost two points, but the price errors will also increase for each wrong answer, the team will have to build a tower of one element. get ready, we move on to the second round. rules of the second round the second round is slightly different from the first. if you remember, in the first round you had the opportunity to talk to come to some kind of common answer, this answer to express to me now there is no such opportu