her name was lottie the body. she was as mellow as jello. [laughing] what's the matter-- what's the matter with you, grady? haven't you ever seen anybody wear a ascot before? is that what you call that? that's right, it's a ascot. see, over in england, this is what all the rich dudes wear at the racetrack. a ascot. oh, then that's why you look like a horse's ascot. my, goodness, and just look at the rest of you. look at that jacket. don't tell me, i know. that's what the well-dressed hot dog man wears at the racetrack. you don't know nothing, do you, grady? i know a sissy when i see one. and you sure look like a sissy to me. this happens to be a lounging jacket, grady, and it's what you wear around the house. see, i got it on sale at phil's fashion box. oh, well, you better wear it around the house, 'cause if you wear that thing at the pool hall, that mark down will get you a knock down. uh, listen, i don't wish to discuss this any further. i must check out my stash for this evening's festivities. oh, goodness, check out your stash. is that