. >> jimmy: lou cage is on the show? >> lou cage is on the show and i am allowed to tell you that. >> jimmy: because it already happened. >> it already happened and the show is out. >> jimmy: do you have people netflix is, and this is the part that's hard for me. when the shows all come out at once you don't know when it's okay to discuss it with people. so typically when the show comes on every week you have like, okay, well, i'll give them a couple weeks before i say anything but how -- what do you think? what is the -- what are the rules there? >> okay. i have been the victim of television spoiling. i've been pretty bummed about it. >> jimmy: what has been spoiled for you? >> i watched the first two seasons of "homeland," super into it. and then one day my boyfriend, also super into "openland," oh, season 3, brody, they hang him, he has a baby. i was like, oh, my god, stop talking. just kept going on and on. now, you know, i watch it with him when it's on but i'm like, okay, what happened? kind of like ruined the whol