that's kind of the life and times of lou d'allesandro as a relates to the book. as they say in the book the greatest sorrow of my life is truly this, that my mother never get to see in every boys do anything. never get to see her boys do anything. and my older brother was extremely successful as an athlete and extremely successful as a businessman, but my mother never got to see any of that, any of that. never got to see anything of us. i was at saint lazard school. i was in the first grade at my brother paul was in the kindergarten and my brother henry really had just been born, so that's the greatest sorrow that i have is that you have these wonderful experiences, you are able to do some things, at the most important people in your life just never got a chance to see anything. i guess that's why they write books, right? so you can share with other members of the family. so with that i'll answer any questions you might have, you know, about the book. first of all have to thank everybody for coming. i have i think an association with everybody in the room, and th