ceo lou frankfurt will be with us in the next hour of the "closing bell." he the outlook for high-end consumers, and also we'll also hit on what he discussed today at that conference, which is, of course, behind this big rally in the stock. the deadline has come and gone. we're talking about the deadline on the biggest sovereign debt restructuring ever. how are investors reacting, and what should we be looking in terms of bond holders agreeing to this new deal, scott? >> let's get more insight from michelle caruso-cabrera. she's been monitoring the latest headlines from athens, along with jose, founder of ufr capital management. >> michelle, what's the latest? tell us about the participation rate in this new deal. it looks like we're getting a positive reaction from market players. but of course, the deadline just passing moments ago. >> two wire reports indicate, maria, that the participation rate is above at least 75%. so that is good enough to get this deal done somehow, some way. one mystery remains, and it's a crucial one. as they count the votes that