by the way, this team was coached by lou manapo one of our recreation and parks instructors. thank you. we love you very much. thank you for bringing our parents. [ applause ] >> good morning commissioners and recreation supervisors velez co-and superintendant. we have shirts for all of our staff. this team could not have happened without their support from the top down. little things like we were a traveling team for the south bay. i was able to use my boss's van and we would like to thank everyone for helping us so much in the competition. thank you. [ applause ] . >> all right. now we take a quick look at this month in parks and as much as we love our young athletes, back to school. >>> >> [video] one of the things we do is teach kids to swim. the aquatics programs are the most popular programs in san francisco and the entire bay area. we have the traditional programs like tennis and basketball and kayaking program. kids are able to go out on yachts and learn all the etiquette involved with it. that program is very popular as well. this month in parks, the san francisco al