you loudship 7, i read and clear. how do you read me?r, what is your status? >> excellent. i feel fine. >> i heard your comments on the weather over africa. as far as we can see, a lot of this part of africa is covered with dust. >> that is exactly the way it looks from up here, too. 7.this is friendship pressure holding. >> roger, do you want to stand by? >> roger. a little different display than i had anticipated. [inaudible] friendship 7, you are fading rapidly. ♪ africa, 17,545 an miles for every heartbeat of john glenn. ♪ 7 streaks through the from up tomorrow and races the dawn of yesterday. far beyond human site. ight. ♪ four john glenn, the familiar time references of earth no longer apply. world inys around our just 88 minutes, out-racing the sun that needs 24 hours to circle the same globe. ♪ >> friendship 7, friendship 7. do you read? 7.this is friendship reading new loud and clear -- reading you loud and clear. >> how are you doing? we are doing real fine up here. everything is going well. >> john, you sound good. observe --