my name is louis hammonds. i'm a member of the united players and i support all or none. i'm a formerly incarcerated inmisstai inmai inmate who is a returning community member. that's something that says to us as a whole that we're stakeholders and we have a moral obligation to make a difference in our community. i also work for the division of parole as a navigator. i help those returning home to navigate their way through the system to be a success. many restrictions as they were talking about rely on trying to try to help us protect ourselves, make sure we're doing the right things. we have motivation tempered with patience and we're renewed back into the recovery of life. this restriction actually is an opposition to that. it does not promote harmony, productivity, pro-social justice, and so i would say that i have to just speak for myself. there's nothing that i could ever do to repay society for my incarceration or the acts that i've done, so i don't come here to say i've done my time, i deserve that right. it's going to take a lifetime for me to even try to mend th