back in eight hundred seventy eight pioneering researcher louis pasteur believed he proven that the cold makes you sick he deliberately exposed chickens to anthrax which the birds would normally be immune to. after pastor dumped them and ice cold water however test animals died from it. the researcher deduced that the human immune system could likewise become less effective against pathogens in cold conditions. over the subsequent decades numerous studies were performed to try to prove the theory sometimes using pretty bizarre methods in one nine hundred fifty a british researcher had test subjects wearing wet swimming trunks stand in a drafty corridor until they complained of feeling rather poorly. next the participants had to walk around in what socks for several hours finally they were infected with a cold virus but a problem arose the control group who'd remained wrapped up nice and warm got sick just as frequently as the test subjects so much for cast iron proof. more recently in two thousand and five british researchers had test subjects placed their feet in ice cold water for twen