memory of the following beloved individuals on behalf of the supervisor ronen for the late louise alberto quinones and supervisor mandelman, for the late ms. tanis ryan heart and behalf of a motion made by supervisor peskin and president yee on the board of supervisors for the late mr. phil arnold, our former colleagues, our hearts are broken for you monique. >> supervisor yee: that brings us to the end of our agenda. madam clerk is there any further business before us today? >> that concludes our business for today. >> supervisor yee: thank you. we are adjourned. ed liabilitiese do our lottery system. i wanted to enhance the lottery. i don't want to take away from the lottery. they started as lotto bags and lotto bag tags that can scan the bags. competitions where you might have one city try to have more bag return done another city. try to buy bags in support of causes. for instance, our cabdrivers. maybe cancer. maybe charitable organizations. i have pitched this to tran04 back in 2,006. the mayor should be on board with it, newsome should know about it. i forget her name, but anyhow, i am very