louise ? that's it, grady! that's it! that's her name! her name is breeze? no, grady, louise. louise breeze. no, louise! see, lamont's been singing that song for days now. and there's a place about 2 blocks down the street called "louise's dress shop." [laughs] fred. and he said this girl worked in the dress shop. i know that. now see, here's what we have to do. we gotta go down there and check this girl out. right. but see, she can't know who we are or lamont will find out we've been there. and he'll get mad. don't worry fred, don't worry. you'll think of something, and i know, whatever it is, it will be brilliant. brilliant! ok. brilliant. how's this? mm-hmm. we put on some afro wigs and go down there disguised incognito. fred, that's dumb. say, grady, uh, do you know why you're my friend? no. all right, grady, see, you just be cool and follow me. but fred, this is dumb. this is dumb, dumb, dumb! good afternoon, gentlemen, may i help you? why, sure, lady, but i think you'd better put some clothes on before you get ready. sir, i'm over here. oh, i see. you could see a lot better if you took off those g