honor that lieu ease sa and manuel -- luisa and manuel bestowed upon me to say a few words about louise safmentaking the sandwiches and doing many things in the area. but always following her advice and sharing her ideas, because that's what luisa was, always networking with everyone and sharing ideas. so on behalf of carmen and manuel ezquerro, who wish to express their gratitude to the 2010 heritage month smith. whatever you are, unfortunately, i don't know any of you for the first time in my life. so thank you. thank you very much. i know that luisa and her honorable mother, donna, esther as well, are smiling up tonight looking at what's going on. luisa's contribution to our city and future generations to come were based on her beliefs that preservation of natural rights was an essential part of the social contract, and that consent of the people was fundamental to any zice exercise. power to the people she used to say. she worked diligently in developing the strategies of short and long-term goals. one constantly would receive a phone call, and many of you know, to show up for such and such