saw weak growth and stng inflation the periodthe 90s w the reverse stro growth, low unemploymt, d low inflatnphomenon th hadoteese inhe uted statesfor ny deces over the yrs the federal reservecame to assume that the economyld not expeenceloedrowth above 2 1/2% a y without citing ilation. and yet in the 1990sgrth was doue that unemoyme was a 30-year low, d all wiout waking the sleeiaf inatio whatas extraordiry about th90s ishat at thend of theong expansion -- expansiothat'sow over --the inflation te was asow as whent began. at is veryncracteristicof expansions, cause generally, when you have an economic expaio you're putting more essuonroductive capaci mo presseon labor for anices tend too up aninterest ratestend to go up. and that tends among otr things to bringhe expansion to an en dn't happen in the 1990s. why didn't it happenin t 1990s? why didn't this happen? whatere the factors that kept inflation wn spite all the economic dicators to the contrary? a mafactor was e revotion ormationecology. thdigitization of all infon cread new compies new stri. in silicon valley alone, new comeswere cre