. >> i am lowell thomasment . he live amid the abundance of kmfgs.hingly low informational level among us. to be sure, the right to remain uninformed is one of the surest ways of losing our freedom. being informed does not mean only keeping up to date on current events, important though that is. it means being aware of developments in our own nations and the force that's move through it. the weaknesses as well as its strengthsment we all too often dishonor our freedom and demean it. but that's not the full story. fit were, our system would have collapsed long before this. the full story is the progress we consistently make through law and through education the way free men must. the communists would like to have you as well as people in every country in the world believe otherwise. and once they have succeeded in letting the idea take root that our deficiencies are our chief characters, once they have managed to erode our faith in ourselves at least a little, that much of the battle is lost. >> a snake of a whisper is abroad that americans lost touch