during eight years of the obama administration, the number of americans participating in the lowestorce is at its rate since 1978. people have given up looking for a job. fallen intons have poverty. family paychecks have declined. the number of families on food stamps has skyrocketed by 40% -- all during the obama years. and the percentage of americans owning a home is down 5.2%. more and more americans believe andre on the wrong track that their kids will not be as well off as they are today. is raised onerica the promise of progress. that is losing out to president obama's surrender in his new normal economy. something is terribly wrong in our country when a leading democrat recently bragged that "we are going to put a lot of coal miners and a lot of coal companies out of business." but it doesn't have to be this way. strong economic growth that made the united states the greatest country on earth. we have a moral imperative to recognize that we have experienced a loss to decade of economic growth and opportunity and we have to change this. we have a moral imperative to recognize the