glen lowrey told us why he's pushing back. >> i'm weary of the narrative.weary of feeding these children. i'm talking about the 18-year-olds that come as freshman at brown university. we're supposed to be challenge them to think, not filling their heads with propaganda. >> brian: that was a little bit of the interview. tonight's guest is urging people to take action writing this. do you know what is happening to your kids in the classroom? what the they're being ought to? dads and moms, you have an active right to be a part of your kid's education. here with us, benjamin watson, super bowl winner. now the host of why, author of "under our skin." to listen and reads you'll learn a lot. thanks for joining us tonight. from looking over your shoulder and talking to your kids and interacting with them at this level in the pandemic with so many families at home, what are you noticing? >> specifically, you know, my assertions and my assessment of many of the things we're talking about, critical race theory is probably different than many of the viewers and kind of