. >> commissioners these are services for legal permanent residence, lpr. that is who we work with so that is the population >> any comment or questions from the commission? hearing none-- >> it is only a comment but going forwards when you bundle these programs like this, it is very helpful if the packet list matched the iletms on the agenda. the jewish family children service is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in the packet not number 1 so we scramble through pages to find which you are referring to >> okay >> thank you. any other comment or questions? comment or questions from the public? hearing none all in favor? opposed? thank you the motion carries. requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with self help for the elderly for naturalization service for july 1, 2015-jun [inaudible] 355, 473 plus 10 percent contiskancy for total not to exceed the amount of 391, 020. motion to discuss? >> moved >> second >> michael >> i'll be brief on this. self help for the elder naturalization program includes 1 to 1 assistance provided out of offices on jackson stree