. >> so as not to be too lrv centric, for the trolly coachs in april and on half of the weekdays and, there were not enough trolly coaches and between my understanding is that between the coaches the lrvs that is approximately half of the rider ship of the system. more or less. >> yes. >> and the problem that it could be also both availability and reliability. and they are the oldest of our fleet for the entire trolly coach network that is best and it is useful to only apply one subset is 20 plus years old and so we have moved to retire many of those and we hope to have a new replacement vehicles here. within hopefully within 12 to 18 months. >> great. >> could you keep explaining, i just want to understand average daily hold count, and the delays. okay the main distance? do you want me to speak to that one? >> average hold count, where you want to be with this number, 189 looks like about 20 percent of our total number of vehicles, which is where you want to be, you want to have 20 percent in the reserve because part of that, and what we see here is this 189. includes vehicles that a