reason is that we have much less experience with policies designed to operate on term premiums as lsaps do. as a result, the strong majority of members believe that both the forward rate guidance and the lsaps are helping to support the recovery, we are somewhat less certain about the magnitudes of the effects of the financial conditions in the economy, of changes in the pace of purchases or in the accumulated stock of assets in the fed's balance sheet. moreover, economists do not have as good annan understanding as we would like of the factors determining term premiums, as we saw earlier this year, hard to predict shifts in term premiums can be a source of significant volatility and financial conditions. lsaps have other drawbacks, not associated with the forward rate guidance. including comparing the functioning of securities markets and the extra complexities for the fed of operating with a much larger balance sheet, though i see both of these issues as manageable. in deciding to employ lsaps the fomc has remained attentive to the risks as well as the efficacy of this less familiar too