[ltey il. >> i just want to say when david called me to be interviewed about the book, i think can be anaraom i h ami ththeater and i lived with mitchell, and david taott d ouomd owsad - toe that clear. >> i used to go down and hand inyltt eterttothe prostutes d aste a rseey would poke holes in all of the condoms a was a more rare moment in thesn wa ks singh at >>aue] n tabohe ec [inaudible] >> i think it all comes to head. the cops were the bastion of te aneroof griefaasc police work the dead on some of the cases i read about a the zebra case thefinally cracked thass rcedwy tis on the veg uts e' o htte police department has to answer for all of these tensions come together and start to boilover during mayorsc'snu po dntbra idae pmi h poonof iknas the chief he brings in the house side reformerand then all hll breaks l ers gring ath reatin atpito j ot ifacischero of the organizer of the prostitutes she had goo frien and clients among some francisco e e nne tti h an ld niosibyte cops and wanted to get as quickly as she could. so twth iofe wive th orbcu onntooe e itawit drtnt in those da