these initiatives include expanding the loan to value requirements from 95 ltv to 97 ltv, updating warrants frameworks and devolving neighborhood civilization initiatives. i applaud director watt and his team at the fh fa for taking steps to stabilize the enterprises and the household market. focusing the common securitization platform on the enterprises, exploring a single security to increase liquidity and developing stronger counter party oversight are all efforts that will help stabilize the market for the future. however, there is only so much that can be accomplished while the enterprises are in limbo. everyone agrees that the conservatorship cannot continue forever. so i hope my colleagues will keep working towards a more certain future for the housing market. however, if congress cannot agree on a smooth, more certain path forward, i urge you director watt to engage the treasury department in talks to end the conservatorship. before i finish, i want to thank my colleagues and this committee as well as their staffs and my staff for all their hard work on housing finance reform. espec