would those resolutions immediately become lu laue? what steps can the u.s. take to limit its participation in the treaty? you know, i kind of want to know what would happen. and either of you can answer that, and -- both of you, in fact. >> this is a very important point that you've raised, and i'm glad you have. first, it is conventional, and we assuredly will take a very broad reservation from whatever is agreed at the conference. and virtually every other country will do the same thing. so you will have countries agreeing that they will abide by the provisions of the treaty unless for some reason they won't. and as i say, typically, the reason will be extraordinarily broad. that's one thing. the second thing that's very important to understand is there's no enforcement mechanism associated with this. these are preliminary, as many other aspects of international law are, so that it is not reasonable to assume that if something really ruinous for some reason was to be adopted as a particular regulation, that you would see countries against every interest in