we have myself and, um board member lubango representing the api communities, um so i'm just wondering, um, how you address the diversity issues and also in san francisco. we have, um, a language ordinance requiring interpreters and written materials. um for those who are not english proficient, and so i wanted to see. from the inspector general side in terms of the investigators. um the language, um, capabilities as well as on the commission side. thank you. well, daniel, go ahead. i'll go for the commission. um, i agree with you, i think that that is an issue that we have been looking at in terms of the community appointees. we have nine commissioners five or board appointed so each, um, member gets an appointee. and then the community members. there is a process and a procedure and we have tried to refine that procedure so that we can do a better job of making sure we uh , select we present to the board. community members that are diverse, including those that are systems involved, or or family members of those who are systems involved. we have another commission, the prohibition ov