this was also luca castellini. ..ltras, italy's hardcore football fans, long a breeding ground of extremism. he's been banned from the stadium after saying a black player could never be truly italian. do you think it's acceptable to joke about adolf hitler? would you say the same thing again? you would repeat the same thing? what would you say to a jewish person, an italianjewish person, who lost their family to the holocaust? the scelba law in the italian constitution prohibits what it calls the praising, the threatening, or the use of violence, and says that that could allow a group to be banned, dissolved. isn't that exactly what forza nuova did against cgdl, against the trade union? did they not use violence? did you not use violence, you used threats, you targeted that union? no government has cracked down, but some feel prime minister giorgia meloni is even less likely to do so. she started in politics in the neo—fascist youth, interviewed aged 19 by french tv. the party she formed, brothers of italy, has its ro