this layer reflects the situation at the extraction point and the conditions we still have today. lucas moss is growing there, an indication that the environment has become more humid again, p a mom or stomach 6. by observing the various layers, it is possible to make a rough, initial prediction of changes i had seen that came in that i also thought that by now, but i thought if that's the alignment that we can see how the layers in the blog behaved at various times say, look at it in general, say that carbon dioxide, along with warmer temperatures, who promotes the growth of p and, and the accumulation of carbon. but these forecasts do not take into account other aspects related to wetlands for now. so expensive changes and vegetation. things like res, thought code and lot of myers bar grove fires to nice that are considered in these models. not with on the bottom as the following is that both much more research is needed for, that's one of them. and that's also at the.