in terms of capturing the numbers, emily, myself and lucas tobin have been working hard with our -- i can't remember the area in the department -- but we're working on really capturing the numbers in a very concrete way. we're currently implementing that for our spring numbers as well as fall. excuse me, as well as summer. for the actual registrations. but, again, a lot of it is communication and there's so many people utilizing our services that we don't know about. and we can't capture the number of people just dropping in at the park because we don't have people sign a waiver to enter the park. so we're trying to capture as much as we can in formal registrations. once we master that we're hoping to take a bigger picture look at really who our -- the numbers of the people that we're serving within the whole department but right now we focus on registration. >> that's fantastic. so does most of your funding come from rec and park? or does it come from other areas? >> emily and i work within the department. so our programs are ultimately funded with whatever the budget of rec and park