daniel lucey at georgetown medical center. dr. fauci, already suspended flights to the infected countries, and the contact tracing team is in west africa trying to put together a timeline for this patient in nigeria. just how worried should the rest of west africa and the world be about a wider outbreak? >> well, rather than use the word, worry, ray, i would say be alert. certainly, the possibility more so in the countries surrounding the three or four countries that you mentioned because the borders are rather porus there. and when people come in, one thing that you have to make sure. if they come in with symptoms of ebola, it feels like a serious flu. they are aching and they have a headache, and then they start in the symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea. so you have to be aware of people traveling in porus borders. if you're talking about the united states or canada or european countries, you have to be careful when people fly in from those areas, and you might in an emergency room have someone come in with an illness, it's very