to be some of the first people to experience the ropes course which i think everyone will really luchb t. is a empressive set of courses. not just one, but there six or seven different areas you can go to and different levels so i picked what i thought was-they said chs entry level, but when you are 50 feet in the air balancing on little moving planks it does challenge you quite a bit. i watched a 7 year old do it and said someone has to get up there for the other side of the life span so i did it and i am very happy i did. i also learned climb a cargo net is incredbly difficult but what is fun is to know you are totally safe and protection around you is very good. and the team building this sfaunsers and doesn't interfere with anything else going on in camp. it is in a great area not used now. it was also inclusion week and we had such a great time experiencing inclusion week. this is something that the department should be incredbly proud of. so many families had campers that have physical and emotional dish abilities and they thrived. thank you. >> thank you y bill carline. >> [inaudi